The Concept of Electronic Pensioner in Some Countries Versus Romania

This article delves into the concept of the electronic pensioner, intricately linked to terms such as digitalization, digitization, and artificial intelligence with various applications in some countries and the hopeful prospects of their use in Romania. We aim to introduce the concept of the electronic pensioner (EP), emphasizing its significance within the context of digital transformation. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) will undoubtedly shape the future world we inhabit. Contributing to the establishment of a resilient Europe for the digital decade, citizens, civil societies, and public institutions should harness the benefits of AI, feeling secure and protected. The European strategy on AI looks to transform the EU into a global hub for AI while ensuring its human-centered and trustworthy nature. Such a goal causes the integration of this concept into the documents of the European Union and the AI strategies of member states. The digital transformation of public administration is multifaceted and intricate, requiring a comprehensive analysis encompassing legal and regulatory frameworks, technological infrastructure, as well as social and cultural norms. Through a comparative analysis, we examine the digital transformation of administration and social security services in countries such as Australia, Japan, India, Malaysia, Spain, and China. Despite adopting distinct approaches to digital transformation, these countries reflect unique political, economic, and social contexts. Nevertheless, common themes and trends appear, including the implementation of the electronic pensioner card. Exploring the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to address and automate the daily challenges faced by pensioners may herald a future endeavor for many. The pension industry’s complexity demands specialized AI tools to effectively manage and ensure profitability, as initiatives like the Artificial Intelligence Research Centre (CitAI) at the University of London endeavor to implement. Lumera emphasizes the need for AI models to understand concepts such as premium histories, commissions, premium loans, partial withdrawals, redemptions, and reloads. Extensive investigation, experimentation, and development have been dedicated to understanding these AI activation tools pertinent to life and pensions in general.

Aplicații ale AI, machine learning, deep learning și big data în domeniul militar

AI ar putea influența în mod decisiv securitatea și pacea internațională nu neapărat prin superinteligență sau „roboți ucigași”, ci prin riscurile inerente încrederii în algoritmi generați de computer pentru a face alegeri pe care mai demult obișnuiau oamenii să le facă. Cercetările viitoare ar trebui să se concentreze pe aplicații specifice ale AI, deoarece AI nu este o armă sau un sistem de arme, ci o tehnologie care poate îmbunătăți alte tehnologii.  Nu sunt de neglijat însă multiplele provocări și riscuri comune ale unei game de aplicații AI, relevante pentru securitatea internațională, precum biases (cognitive biases – părtinire cognitivă și lack of complete data – lipsa datelor complete), data sharing (partajarea datelor) și poisoning (otrăvire), responsabile pentru uriașul potențial de percepții greșite ce pot duce la neînțelegeri greu de cuantificat.

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