Karmic Law – A Synoptic Approach

In order to bring such a thoroughly studied topic as the Karma certainly is into the light of our current most advanced scientific achievements, both a deep understanding of its traditional wisdom (in the above-mentioned meaning) perpetuated through initiate dissemination channels, as well as a glimpse into recent theoretical interpretations of the sentient reality we as human species are part of, are required. We are but at the beginning of widening our conceptual horizons, hitherto narrowed by centuries of dogmatic materialist worldviews, toward a vastly more comprehensive and accurate one, which recognizes Informatic dynamics as the pro-active control and guiding instance for the matter/energy world of manifestation we were misleadingly centered upon all the time, purportedly able to grant individual and collective happiness based on material accumulation and storage strategies. Our mission is to re-establish into the scientific analytical methodology the emphasis into its correct position, by pointing to currently accepted „physical laws” as correlative expressions in the world of manifestation of their still poorly understood Informational equivalents, which govern and determinate these expressions at first place. The only analytic tool we have for understanding Reality as it is and not as it is misleadingly depicted by dogmatically constrained concepts, is our consciousness – the least understood Item in all this infinite holographic interplay between the observer and the object of his observation. Let’s try widening our observation of Reality, by addressing both the observation and its target as equivalent components in this overwhelmingly complex process of man’s integration into the whole.

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