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New Genesis?

Klein, Adrian (2022), New Genesis?, Cunoașterea Științifică, 2:1, 195-197Klein, Adrian (2022), New Genesis?, Cunoașterea Științifică, 2:1, 195-197, DOI: 10.58679/CS85449, https://www.cunoasterea.ro/new-genesis/



Review: Prof (Dr.) A. K. Mukhopadhyay, The Source & The Genesis (in the Language of Science) – The Being? Becoming, and Creations, https://www.akmukhopadhyayconsciousness.com/pdf/the-Source-and-the-Genesis-in-the-language-of-Science-ppt.pdf.

Prof. Muckhopadhyay’s comprehensive new exposure introduces in the academic circulation a revolutionary attempt to replace the mainstream dogma of the world’s creation, based on the increasingly (both theoretically and experimentally) disproved “Big Bang” assumption – by a less counter-intuitive and more accurate tenable concept.

Keywords: Genesis

Noua Geneză?


Recenzie: Prof (Dr.) A. K. Mukhopadhyay, The Source & The Genesis (in the Language of Science) – The Being? Becoming, and Creations, https://www.akmukhopadhyayconsciousness.com/pdf/the-Source-and-the-Genesis-in-the-language-of-Science-ppt.pdf.

Noua expunere cuprinzătoare a Prof. Muckhopadhyay introduce în circulația academică o încercare revoluționară de a înlocui dogma dominantă a creației lumii, bazată pe ipoteza din ce în ce mai mult (atât teoretic, cât și experimental) infirmată „Big Bang” – printr-un concept sustenabil mai puțin contraintuitiv și mai precis.

Cuvinte cheie: geneza


CUNOAȘTEREA ȘTIINȚIFICĂ, Volumul 2, Numărul 1, Martie 2023, pp. 195-197
ISSN 2821 – 8086, ISSN – L 2821 – 8086, DOI: 10.58679/CS85449
URL: https://www.cunoasterea.ro/new-genesis/
© 2022 Adrian Klein. Responsabilitatea conținutului, interpretărilor și opiniilor exprimate revine exclusiv autorilor.


New Genesis?

Dr. Adrian Klein, PhD.



Prof. Muckhopadhyay’s comprehensive new exposure introduces in the academic circulation a revolutionary attempt to replace the mainstream dogma of the world’s creation, based on the increasingly (both theoretically and experimentally) disproved “Big Bang” assumption – by a less counter-intuitive and more accurate tenable concept.

Endless futile debates on the pre-BB period, seeking to confirm either a sustainable way of creation from nothing or a creation “by design” attributed to a pre-existing Deity as originating by an act of will all that is, may end by this self-consistent brilliant proposal.

It does not “resolve” the mystery of “genesis”, it dissolves it.

A primordial act of creation, that escapes any philosophical or scientific treatment, is simply excluded from any epistemological context, together with all its cumbersome and insolvable paradoxes, by redefining both Time and the very substance of the creational act. Mainstream struggle is proven to be flowed, by the sole reason of its addressing the origination of material Universe alone. Prof. Mukhopadhyay’s horizon extends far beyond this general limit of materialistic worldview, which requires an instant in time for a “genesis” that actually never occurred or will occur.

The fundamental paradox of the classic genesis concept is solved by introducing a credible ground essence without a background, thus eliminating the Time coordinate from the equation. Such really prime ground state “precedes” (in its existence, not in time) the existence of the material Universe and is its very source. “Creation” is replaced by “conversion” of this eternal essence into manifestation: the pure Information. The eternal (timeless) process of its resonant couplings into the multi-layered world of manifestation runs according to a down-scaling of the original all-encompassing Information (with its literally infinite combinatorial variants of increasing complexity and specificity) codified into a “letter of Intent” by inducing a resonant disturbance into the etheric media, thus performing the coupling of pure Informational stuff to space at the Hubble’s horizon. This inductive effect, marked by the first Information split into its nonlocal and local aspects, marks the beginning of time.

In the pure Information domain (Akashic field) combinatorial dynamics run at infinite velocity, which expressed in space drops time to a null value. Coupled units of space at infinitesimal range with resonant Information units or combinatorials of them lead to sub-quantum disturbances in space, with interaction potential. Such interactions result in the drop of infinite velocity, which equals to the rise of time values above null (creation of Time).

For following the thus depicted “genesis” scheme down to our observable sentient Universe at all its scales of magnitude, the reader is kindly invited to the original paper offered as axiological guide by Prof. Mukhopadhyay.

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Doctor Licenţiat în Medicină Dentară (MDD) Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Carol Davila”, București. Ph.D. Cognitive Neuropsychology, Award of Excellence, Certificate of Distinction - Barkley University, SUA. Ph.D. Metaphysical Humanistic Science, Paragon Philosophers Award - Institute of Metaphysical Humanistic Science, SUA. AAAS - American Association for advancement of Science – Membru. PA - Parapsychological Association – Membru asociat. ISPE - International Society for Philosophical Enquiry – Membru. IQ - Nexus  Society – Membru. AAPS - Academy for the advancement of post-materialistic sciences – Membru. ECAO - Exceptional Creative Achievement Organization – Membru afiliat. Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Biopsychocybernetics Research, Bologna, Italia – membru. INIT – International Network for Instrumental Transcomunication - Coordonator general (peste 20 de țări membre). ITC Platform – Membru fondator și coordonatorul activității. ISARTOP - International Scientific Association for Research into Transcendental Objective Phenomena - Coordonator științific, Vicepreședinte. DIJECA – membru bord editorial. GALILEO COMMISSION – Professional Member. OUR COSMIC SOCIETY – Membru bord editorial. EIDETIC SENTIENCE ONTOLOGY PLATFORM – Coordonator (https://dradrianklein.wordpress.com/about/)

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