Etica în inteligența artificială: provocări și perspective
Bidașcă, Sebastian (2023), Etica în inteligența artificială: provocări și perspective, Cunoașterea Științifică, 2:3, 101-106, Ethics in Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Prospects Abstract This paper emphasizes the importance of ethical debates in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and explores the challenges and dilemmas related to the advanced capabilities of AI systems, the ethical norms necessary to guide the development and use of AI, and future perspectives in the field of ethics in AI, including the interaction between humans … Citeşte mai mult
Humanism, Becoming and the Demiurge in The Adventures of Pinocchio
Sfetcu, Nicolae (2023), Humanism, Becoming and the Demiurge in The Adventures of Pinocchio, Cunoașterea Științifică, 2:2, 154-158, DOI: 10.58679/CS44127, Abstract The common thread of Pinocchio’s story is his desire to become a human being. Unlike some creators who approached the adventures of Pinocchio in the context of posthumanism the transhumanism embraces technological progress while strongly defending human rights and individual choice. Pinocchio is aware of his incompleteness: he seeks during the story to become „a real boy.” Human … Citeşte mai mult
Interactions between the brain, the biofields, and the physical
Klein, Adrian; Neil Boyd, Robert (2023), Interactions between the brain, the biofields, and the physical, Cunoașterea Științifică, 2:2, 12-20, Abstract Before addressing the physical object of highest complexity in nature, the Brain, and its consciousness-related functional correlates, let’s remember some basic assumptions regarding biosystems as a whole. We expect to recognize such intricate cortico-informational integration mechanisms, as being the pinnacle of the representations we have been investigating. Obeying the holographic distribution principle which we have followed all along … Citeşte mai mult
Materialism şi realitatea esteticii: Argumente şi contraargumente la scrisorile lui Friedrich Schiller privind educaţia estetică a omului (1/3)
Ababii, Petru (2023), Materialism şi realitatea esteticii: Argumente şi contraargumente la scrisorile lui Friedrich Schiller privind educaţia estetică a omului (1/3), Cunoașterea Științifică, 2:2, 121-146, Materialism and the reality of aesthetics: Arguments and counter-arguments to Friedrich Schiller’s letters on the aesthetic education of man (1/3) Abstract This article is an essential exposition of deciphering the role played by the natural instincts of the human being in the complex phenomenology of the reality that exists between its behavior and … Citeşte mai mult
Portretul biblic al unicornilor și paranoia fără fundamente privind seria „My Little Pony”
Minea, Valentina-Andrada (2023), Portretul biblic al unicornilor și paranoia fără fundamente privind seria „My Little Pony”, Cunoașterea Științifică, 2:2, 107-120, The Biblical Portrayal of the Unicorns and the Baseless Paranoia Regarding the Series „My Little Pony” Abstract This millennium is increasingly relativizing religion. Thus, there are now religions based on films (The Jedi Church) and books (Terasem). It appears that even cartoons are now suspected of having a religious nature. This study questions the existence of a religion … Citeşte mai mult
The Psycho-Neural Connectivity
Klein, Adrian (2023), The Psycho-Neural Connectivity, Cunoașterea Științifică, 2:2, 21-37, Abstract In this paper we follow the pathway sentient informational reality couples to our well-known mass/matter/energy world, in a well-integrated inter-dimensional process. Pure information in its pre-energetic aspect couples to subquantum (SQ) units and combinatorials of increasing complexity, able to transgress the ZPE (Zero-point energy) barrier between nonlocal information fields and local quantum processes, being stored and vehiculated by pre-quantum subtle energy variants. The link between these ontologically … Citeşte mai mult