Aplicații ale AI, machine learning, deep learning și big data în domeniul militar
Barbu, Alida Monica Doriana (2022), Aplicații ale AI, machine learning, deep learning și big data în domeniul militar, Cunoașterea Științifică, 2:1, 160-175, https://www.cunoasterea.ro/aplicatii-ale-ai-machine-learning-deep-learning-si-big-data-in-domeniul-militar/ Applications of AI, machine learning, deep learning and big data in the military field Abstract AI could decisively influence international security and peace not necessarily through superintelligence or “killer robots,” but through the risks inherent in trusting computer-generated algorithms to make choices that humans used to make. Future research should focus on specific applications of AI, because AI is … Citeşte mai mult

The Concept of Electronic Pensioner in Some Countries Versus Romania
Frătică-Dragomir (Gușe), Alina Mihaela (2024), The Concept of Electronic Pensioner in Some Countries Versus Romania, Cunoașterea Științifică, 3:2, 75-97, DOI: 10.58679/CS44904, https://www.cunoasterea.ro/the-concept-of-electronic-pensioner-in-some-countries-versus-romania/ Abstract This article delves into the concept of the electronic pensioner, intricately linked to terms such as digitalization, digitization, and artificial intelligence with various applications in some countries and the hopeful prospects of their use in Romania. We aim to introduce the concept of the electronic pensioner (EP), emphasizing its significance within the context of digital transformation. … Citeşte mai mult