Puncte de vedere asupra proiectului de democratizare a Orientului Mijlociu Extins
Tănase, Tiberiu (2023), Puncte de vedere asupra proiectului de democratizare a Orientului Mijlociu Extins, Cunoașterea Științifică, 2:4, 82-95, https://www.cunoasterea.ro/puncte-de-vedere-asupra-proiectului-de-democratizare-a-orientului-mijlociu-extins/ Viewpoints on the project of democratization of Middle East Extended Abstract Middle East was included in the American project of the Grand Orient (from Morocco to Afghanistan); this project, to which international financial institutions have been associated – and, to an extent, the EU – aim to: transform this geopolitical ensemble into a space characterized by stability, democracy, economic development, in … Citeşte mai mult