Despre unele prevederi canonice și civile privind gestionarea actuala a bunurilor bisericești parohiale
Mazilu, Dumitru (2024), Despre unele prevederi canonice și civile privind gestionarea actuala a bunurilor bisericești parohiale, Cunoașterea Științifică, 3:2, 66-74, https://www.cunoasterea.ro/despre-unele-prevederi-canonice-si-civile-privind-gestionarea-actuala-a-bunurilor-bisericesti-parohiale/ About some canonical and civil provisions regarding the current management of parish church assets Abstract I am firmly convinced that in the fervent of the current society, characterized by chaos and divisions, the Church using the civil procedural aspect can become the lifeline in the correct management of a church heritage at the level of a rural parish … Citeşte mai mult