Dezvoltarea subsecventă a termenului de canon în primele secole creștine
Mazîlu, Dumitru (2024), Dezvoltarea subsecventă a termenului de canon în primele secole creștine, Cunoașterea Științifică, 3:3, 147-156, DOI: 10.58679/CS29064, https://www.cunoasterea.ro/dezvoltarea-subsecventa-a-termenului-de-canon-in-primele-secole-crestine/ The subsequent development of the term canon in the early Christian centuries Abstract I am firmly convinced that in today’s fervent society, characterized by chaos and divisions, the Church can become a lifeline for all of us as long as it, through the holy canons, ensures a spiritual balance leading to the closeness to Christ. Only under these conditions … Citeşte mai mult