Tropaeum Augusti (France) and Tropaeum Traiani (Romania): A Comparative Study
Bologa, Alexandru Ș; Grămescu, Ana-Maria (2024), Tropaeum Augusti (France) and Tropaeum Traiani (Romania): A Comparative Study, Cunoașterea Științifică, 3:3, 100-122, https://www.cunoasterea.ro/tropaeum-augusti-france-and-tropaeum-traiani-romania-a-comparative-study/ Abstract Two Roman trophees, Tropaeum Augusti (or Trophée des Alpes) and Tropaeum Traiani, survived the time in France and Romania. They are considered to be the birth certificates of the French and Romanian peoples. The edifices, preserved in different ways over time, are particularly attractive tourist attractions in both countries. The two monuments are not only an ancient … Citeşte mai mult